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Division of Bio-Medical Science & Technology

Division of Bio-Medical Science & Technology
Bio-Medical convergence major covers multi-disciplinary fields which consist of three sub-majors including Biological Chemistry, Biomedical Engineering and Neuroscience. Biological Chemistry focuses on new drug discovery based on the understanding diverse life phenomena using an integrated approach of biology and chemistry.

Biomedical Engineering is dedicated to the development of advanced tools and knowledges that can be applied for medical treatments and early diagnosis in clinics. Neuroscience investigates unknown mechanisms underlying human cognition and brain disorders to find new treatment drug and technology.

Bio-Medical convergence major provides top class atmosphere and opportunity for cutting edge researches in biomedical science and technology.
Chief major professor
Field of Research
Medicinal chemistry
Email r8636@kist.re.kr Telephone +82.2.958.6779
Biomedical Engineering
Biological Chemistry
Main Issues
Proteomics-based identification and validation of novel plasma biomarkers phospholipid transfer protein and mannan-binding lectin serine protease-1 in age-related macular degeneration (Scientific Report 2017)
Timely regulated sorting from early to late endosomes is required to maintain cerebellar long-term depression (Nature Communication 2017)
An injectable hydrogel enhances tissue repair after spinal cord injury by promoting extracellular matrix remodeling (Nature Communication 2017)